In a universe where Fabricants are genetically engineered for space labor, TUX and her crew of freemen fight to end the space-slave trade. Join our heroes as they search the galaxy for ancient superweapons to turn the tide for The Cause.
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Alias: Roxanne Lincoln
TUX’s limited public record contains her time in and out of the brig as an orphan on Upsilon Hardware Station.
She is best described as driven and known for her sharp wit, decisive leadership and singular focus on her goals.

Team Muscle
Rept Fabricant produced GRID Industries. He is designed specifically for the harsh environment of open space.
Cunning and dangerous, he has a reputation for being hot headed and ruthless in a fight.

Noble Pilot
Sect Fabricant produced by GRID for space freighter navigation. His exoskeleton protects him without a spacesuit for short spacewalks.
#19 is polite, obedient and well-spoken. Nothing makes #19 happier than a job well done.

Ptol (pronounced 'Toll')
Ptol was initially commissioned as a Fabricant companion for children, but proved he was too intelligent for the role.
His reputation for cracking security systems to escape his duties, landed him in the possession of Mr. Maelstrom.

Engineered Hybrid Slaves
Fabricants are biologically engineered workers with human-like intelligence that are sold at auction at a range of prices. Both custom-tailored and mass-produced, they are adapted for highly specialized tasks.

GRID Industries
#1 Fabricant Corporation
Best-in-class, best-in-business and best-in-customer-service, GRID (Genetic Research In Diversity) has dominated the industry since they revolutionized Fabricant production with their well-guarded techniques.

Subspace Railroad
The Cause
Fabricants are living beings and closer to humans than some want to admit. The Subspace Railroad’s goal is to help slaves in any way they can: Hiding and shuttling freed slaves, privateering against slavers and ultimately ending the slave trade.

#2 Fabricant Corporation
DASCO is a vast corporate entity with interests in just about every market, including the Fabricant Trade. The members of Upper Management of the company are essentially the governors of states within the territory. They have a powerful fleet of destroyers that are dedicated to the protection of cargo vessels that are ferried by the Blazers.

Brazers Church
Holy Navigators
Custodians of sacred art of space-folding, the Brazers rule a section of the galaxy, known as the Holy land, where even the slightest violation of divine taboos has serious repercussions. As an essential part of all intergalactic travel, their shrines and churches spread as far as their influence.

The Stirsman
Lost Civilization
An ancient space faring race whose superior understanding of subspace travel once shaped the face of the galaxy. Today their fabled technology lies scattered in ruins on countless planets. Much is unknown about the Stirsman, including why they suddenly disappeared. Many have dedicate their lives to recovering Stirsman artifacts to unravel a fraction of their many mysteries and, perhaps, dominate the galaxy with their secret knowledge.